Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Perhaps it has been my concertrated listening to the smiths or the general state of transition that I seem to find myself in but my mind seems to be on somewhat of an overdrive. I Keep pondering why, and I mean really why on earth we as humans become so insecure. There must be some deep philosophical or transcendental meaning behind it all but I can't help asking myself why it is we as humans force insecurities on ourselves and others for that matter?

I consider myself someone bound by my own insecurities, and I know some people aren't but I would venture to say most people I meet have some hang up, some worry or some sense of uncertainty bout themselves. Whether it be self-image, confidence, insecurities with failures or successes all the aforementioned seem to nag away at people and for what reason? well I just don't know.

Joyce Cary Said
'For good and evil, man is a free and creative spirit. This produces the very queer world we live in, a world in continuous creation and therefore continuous change and insecurity'
This is as close as I could get to my answer, and for all its nonce and pretentiousness it's probably a fairly apt view. If you think about it, fads constantly change, what is fashionable, what success can be defined as, who is 'real' and who is not are all defined by the whim of the moment in time. If everything is constantly changing and we are forever comparing ourselves to what we're not and what we should be and shouldn't, and further we are taught to do this in order to survive in the world, how on earth are we ever meant to be comfortable?

Just something enormously reflective for one to think about.

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